Jep is one of our smallet boys he is sweet natured, very gentle and is very curious of people. He may be shy at first when walking but soon becomes your friend when feeding him treats. He is ideal for someone who is maybe a bit unsure of alpacas.

When Bud first arrived to the farm he was very unsure of the other boys. He has really come out of his shell and enjoys nothing more than chasing around with the others and play fighting with Jep in the evenings. His cheeky character is starting to show.

Otherwise known as Vinny he's one of the most handsome alpacas with the cutest fluffy ears. He's unsure of new things and likes to take his time working things out. He is very happy at the front of the walking line due to his very laid back nature.

Rowan is a sweetheart and he is incredibly inquisitive and will be the first one to come over to investigate new visitors to the farm. New things don't phase him he is happy to check it out. It's selfie galore with Rowan as he loves the camera.

Pine is one of the most mellow alpacas, he is a firm favouritre with walkers. He may stop now and again on the trail to get a munch of grass and look around at the view while making funny faces. He likes to stay close to Vindication so walks directly behind him.

Invitation Only
With the finest locks in the boy herd it was no wonder he was called Invitation Only. He is quietly confident, very well mannered and an excellent walker on the halter. He is very greedy and makes sure after feeding that all the bowls are clean. He's also the first Suri alpaca on our farm.

New Sensation
Is a lovely natured boy, although a little jumpy at times if something surprises him like a bird flying out of the grass. He is happiest on walks with quieter groups and once he gets to know his human walking companion he's happy to have a selfie. You'll find it hard to resist those long eyelashes of his.

Spitfire is happiest walking inside the farm with familiar surroundings. He enjoys a good neck scratch and has an obsession with bobble hats and loves to smell them. You may also be lucky enough to get a kiss too from this handsome boy. He's one of the biggest fibre producers on the farm.

Oreo enjoys nothing more than to eat and sunbathe. He doesn't like big crowds and is more suited to farm meets. He will walk on a halter polietly but his humming shows his concern with anyone new. So he isn't available for public walks on the trail but you can meet him on the farm afterwards. He is currently on a diet and not impressed by the lack of dried feed.